Proposal: UCSRS
Add a new rule, UCSRS:
In the Service Groups rule, change
Give each Crewmember a UCSRS showing his current Service Group, followed by "XX-XXX" and delete the Group field from the GNDT.
This give us room to track things like Drug Addiction, Healthy condition, etc, without adding that many fields to the GNDT. Any similarity with an old rule called Enome is not a mere coincidence.
11-2. Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 14/04/2005 GMT 17:42
Each Crewmember has an UCSRS - Universal Crewmember Status Record Sheet, stored by Howard’s data banks and tracked by the GNDT with the Field UCSRS. The UCSRS is represented by a string of characters, separated by dashes. (Dashes are used as dividers to make the code easier to read and are not counted as a character of the string.)
Crewmembers begin with the UCSRS XXX-XXX.
The single character parts of the UCSRS are called s-Codes and they may be identified by referencing their position in the format UCSRS[#]. (for example in XXX-XEX, UCSRS[5] = "E").
An "X" value means that position of the UCSRS is either unused, having no effect in the game, or non-filled, having the effects specified in the s-Code description.
These are the information currently tracked by the UCSRS:
* UCSRS[1] tracks the Service Group a Crewmember belongs to. Possible values are:
- A – Alpha Group
- B – Beta Group
- G – Gamma Group
- D – Delta Group
- E – Epsilon Group
- X – No Group
In the Service Groups rule, change
Each Crew Member either belongs to a single Group, or no Group at all, and this is tracked in the GNDT.
Each Crew Member either belongs to a single Group, or no Group at all, and this is tracked by the GNDT’s UCSRS.
Give each Crewmember a UCSRS showing his current Service Group, followed by "XX-XXX" and delete the Group field from the GNDT.
This give us room to track things like Drug Addiction, Healthy condition, etc, without adding that many fields to the GNDT. Any similarity with an old rule called Enome is not a mere coincidence.

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