Proposal: Queries
If Proposal: Reprogramming with a Very Large Axe Passes, strike the sentence:
and replace with
allows the Computer to add mechanisms and locations without making a mess, while still allowing the introduciton of things like the Jeffries tubes, etc.
If my style needs work, let me know, this is my first proposal
4-6 (plus two undefined imperial). Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/14/2005 GMT 12:51
These changes are limited to the addition, removal and alteration of Machinery and Locations.
and replace with
These changes are to be of two types: additions, subtractions, and changes to the lists of Locations and Machinery, and additions of new game mechanics, which shall be appended onto this rule in an enumerated list, and shall be subordinate to all other rules.
allows the Computer to add mechanisms and locations without making a mess, while still allowing the introduciton of things like the Jeffries tubes, etc.
If my style needs work, let me know, this is my first proposal

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