Proposal: Wonder Drugs
If Proposal: Speed Kills passed, undo its effects to the Ruleset.
Add a rule Wonder Drugs:
To the Machinery rule, add:
If Proposal: Resting passed, the new machine shall be named "Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Medibank, Dorm Crews]" instead.
Third Proposal as allowed by the LDB.
15-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 12/04/2005 GMT 13:50
Add a rule Wonder Drugs:
A variety of drugs is available inside the Caine. These drugs are generally geared to the metabolism of the Crew. A Crewmember may only consume a drug if another rule in the Ruleset allows e so. A Crewmember may only minister a drug in another one if another rule in the Ruleset allows e so. A Crewmember using a drug on eirself or ministering a drug on another Crewmember must spend an Action Point in order to do so.
The drugs currently available are:
* Speedy: The Crewmember using or being ministered Speedy subtracts 22 from eir Logic Value and adds 1 to eir Daily Points. If The Crewmember using or being ministered Speedy has not 22 points of Logic, e must instead zero eir Logic value and decrease eir Vitality level by 1.
* Slowy: The Crewmember using or being ministered Slowy adds 22 from eir Logic Value and subtracts 1 to eir Daily Points. If The Crewmember using or being ministered Slowy has not 1 Daily Point, e must instead zero eir Daily ad Action Points value and decrease eir Vitality level by 1.
To the Machinery rule, add:
* Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Medibank] A Crewmember who is Turning the Knobs here may create a drug described in the Ruleset by stating the desired one in the GNDT comments field. Drugs may be consumed in the place they are created and are desintegrated if the Crewmember who created it moves elsewhere.
If Proposal: Resting passed, the new machine shall be named "Nanotechnological Drug Synthesizer [Medibank, Dorm Crews]" instead.
Third Proposal as allowed by the LDB.

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