Proposal: Emergency Lighting
In the effects of the Power Core replace "then the lifts stop working, and Crew Members may not use them" with:-
And while you're there, replace the word "Pressing" with "Pushing" in the Power Core, Teleport Console, Laser Display Board and Medibank.
[ This also gives us a thematic (if weak) counter-measure to the creation of scammable Machinery. ]
Self Kill. Failed by Chronos at 04/14/2005 GMT 12:54
then all other Machinery aboard the Caine stops working (as well as the lifts, which may not be used)
And while you're there, replace the word "Pressing" with "Pushing" in the Power Core, Teleport Console, Laser Display Board and Medibank.
[ This also gives us a thematic (if weak) counter-measure to the creation of scammable Machinery. ]

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