Proposal: Illness Normalization
If Proposal: UCSRS didn’t pass, this proposal does nothing.
Add an Illness rule:
To the UCSRS rule, add:
To the Buttons, Levers, inter alia rule, add
Third pending proposal allowed by the LDB.
S-K/Timed out. Failed by Chronos at 04/14/2005 GMT 17:50
Add an Illness rule:
The Crew may be affected by a number of illnesses, as tracked by the GNDT’s UCSRS. The UCSRS may track also acquired immunity to any kind of Illness. The Illnesses a Crewmember may currently suffer are:
* Post-cryogenic stress disorder (PSCD). PSCD has a number of somatic causes and it is unfortunate that approximately all stored human beings will experience symptoms at some point in time. Fortunately, it can be easily cured.
Once per day, the Computer may choose three Crewmembers which UCSRS[3]="X" and check them for PSCD, by making a comment 'PSCD Check, Crewmember X DICE5' to the GNDT, where X is the name of the selected Crewmember. If the DICE5 roll is equal to 4 or 5, that Crewmember suffers from PSCD. The computer must immediately update that Crewmember’s UCSRS to reflect that condition. Once a day, the Computer is entitled to roll a DICE2 and deduct that value from each Crewmember who is suffering from PSCD at that moment.
A Crewmember who is suffering from PSCD may, once a day, attempt to be cured by, while in the Sickbay, posting 'PCSD Medical Evaluation DICE3' to the GNDT and spending one Action Point. If the DICE3 roll is 1, that Crewmember may update eir UCSRS to reflect the cure. A Crewmember cured from PSCD is immune to its effects and may not acquire it anymore.
To the UCSRS rule, add:
* UCSRS[3] tracks a Crewmember’s PSCD story. Possible values are:
- P – Suffering from PSCD
- C – Cured and immune from PSCD
- X – Not yet checked positive for PSCD
To the Buttons, Levers, inter alia rule, add
Any Crewmember spending an Action Point to change eir Action field must post a comment in the GNDT stating 'Machinery Check(X): DICE15', where X is that Crewmember's Logic rating. If the DICE15 check is greater than X, that Crewmember fails to perform the action correctly, and no effect is produced by spending that Action Point.
Third pending proposal allowed by the LDB.

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