Proposal: We'd Have To Change The Lightbulb
Create a new rule, "Change the Lightbulb", with the following wording.
Yes, the title's a Red Dwarf reference.
17-2. Guess it reached some kind'a quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/17/2005 GMT 13:32
The Caine can operate under one of several Alert Modes - that is, one of Green, Blue, Amber, or Red - which is tracked in the Ruleset as the last sentence of this rule. These modes have certain effects, controlled by the Computer, on the Caine's systems - for example, the Computer may deny access to certain items of equipment, or power up different equipment as necessary. In addition, the Computer may change the Alert Mode at any time, by posting to the Blog with the title "Alert Mode:[new mode]", and detailing the changes to the Caine's operation in the body of the post.
Crew Members may change the Alert Status by making a Proposal as usual.
The Caine is currently in Blue Alert Mode, due to its inability to return to Euclidean Space.
Yes, the title's a Red Dwarf reference.

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