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Monday, June 28, 2004

Project: Management

Pundits long ago determined that Xerox was not in the business of selling copiers, but the business of selling copier toner. Thanks to advancements in the field of Hands-On Office Technology, The TTC Conglomerate now allows your company to bypass Xerox and have your office drones create their own toner, right at their desks! They can simply crush our special bulk-sale mixture of saltpetre, sulfur and charcoal with their new...
Plug-And-Play Mortar And Pestle. Cost: 3
[Slackers Only]
When placing this TOS in his or her Stuff, a Teamsperson need only enter its abbreviation, PAPMAP. On claiming a PAPMAP, a Teamsperson may pay 20 Dignity to increase his or her Department's Efficiency by 1. Should any Teamsperson have a PAPMAP removed from his or her Stuff, his or her Department (or former Department, if this Teamsperson is losing all non-Personal Stuff because they are no longer in a Department) loses 1 Efficiency.
FOR Approved by all Departments. +6 to Brendan, +1 to Management.