Proposal: Stuff it
Add a new rule called ‘The Nature Of Stuff’
If this passes the nature of stuff shall immediately become cheese.
10-0Enacted by Quazie, 4th of January 4:41 AM.
The entity known as Stuff changes weekly. At the beginning of each week a word may be added next to the word Stuff. This word shall be placed in parentheses; the specifications for said word are listed below. Any references to the nature, form, or type of Stuff refer to this word.
At the end of each week an admin may add a new column to the GNDT which shall be named whatever the nature of Stuff was for that week, and each Muffin shall have the amount of that type of Stuff that they had at the very end of Sunday. When this new column is added, the value of Stuff itself does not change.
Whomever has the most of the current Stuff at the end of Sunday is the ‘Stuff Describer’. They shall determine the nature of Stuff for the coming week. If there is a tie between two Muffins for the most Stuff the GRAND POOBAH shall decide who is the ‘Stuff Describer’. Before changing the nature of Stuff the ‘Stuff Describer’ must make a post Entitled: STUFF SHALL BE. The context of the post must contain one noun, or made up word, and it may not be a word already assigned a meaning in this dynasty. If the STUFF SHALL BE post doesn’t meet this criteria, the GRAND POOBAH shall veto the STUFF SHALL BE post and determine what Stuff shall be.
To signify which columns used to be Stuff a *(asterisk) shall be placed at the end, yet these *(asterisks) never have to be mentioned to refer to these columns.
If ‘all forms of Stuff’ is mentioned in a proposal, then it is referring to Stuff(word) and all columns with an *(asterisk).
If ‘any type of Stuff’ is mentioned in a proposal, then it is also referring to Stuff(word) and all columns with an *(asterisk).
No other column besides all past forms of Stuff may contain a *(asterisk) in their name.
Any time Stuff is referenced in the rule set and there is anything currently in the parenthesis, that word is ignored and the reference to Stuff still refers to Stuff(word) where word is the current nature of Stuff.
(For example (note that any instance of a -(dash) used in this example is only there for spacing)
Week one – A claims stuff to be cheese
B------------ 75
End of week one – A andB both gain 10 stuff, C gains nothing, nothing else happens. KK claims stuff to be feet
Muffin----Stuff(feet) --Cheese*
A---------- 25----------25
B-----------85 ----------85
C-----------25---------- 25
End of week two – C gains 100 stuff, B and Again 10 stuff each nothing else happens. Kevan claims stuff to be boxes
Muffin---Stuff(boxes) --Cheese*---Feet*
A-----------35 -------------25 -------35
B-----------95 -------------85--------95
C-----------125-------------25-------125 )
New Muffins start out with 0 in any column that has an *(asterisk).
If this passes the nature of stuff shall immediately become cheese.

10-0Enacted by Quazie, 4th of January 4:41 AM.
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