Proposal: He Scores
Add a new GNDT field, entitled Note history.
Add a new GNDT field, entitled Email.
Create a new Wiki page, entitled Inbox.
Add a new rule, entitled Music:
Add a new rule, entitled Email:
4-5 Timed Out (Cosmo's vote doesn't count due to idle) Failed by Quazie, 10th of January at 12:39.
Add a new GNDT field, entitled Email.
Create a new Wiki page, entitled Inbox.
Add a new rule, entitled Music:
Whenever a Muffin moves to a new Position, it causes a note to play. A history of each Muffin's notes played may be tracked in the GNDT, under "Note History".
7............................G Minor
X............................[] (silence)
(Movements in Limbo must my notated in the GNDT as '-', and can never be contained in a sequence to make a Concerto.)
When Muffins play in synchrony, creating a Concerto, good things happen. If ever a Muffin notices that its most recent notes played matches exactly those of another Muffin (or Muffins), then it may consult this rule and apply the applicable effect:
(Number of matching notes):
2- Each Muffin may add 2 to the Stuff of their choice
3- Each Muffin may move one position in any direction
5- Each Muffin may change its flavour to Tropical, regardless of whether it is Burnt or not
8- Each Muffin may move to the Position of their choice
If a Muffin notices and applies the effects of a Concerto, then it should add a message to the Email field of any other Muffins it is playing with to achieve these results. If the Muffin does not do so, then the other Muffin(s) may each apply the reverse (or opposite) effect upon the first Muffin. Each string of notes may only be turned into a Concerto once.
For instance, if Kevan and Cayvie have each performed C#, D, G then they can claim a 3-note Concerto. However, if they then both perform E and A, they cannot claim a 5-point Concerto as the first three notes have already been used.
Some combinations of notes also form recognisable movements. Whenever a Muffin's most recent notes form one of these movements, it may claim the appropriate effect:
[]B[] - The Muffin may move directly to Position 1.
EFG - Escape from the Ring of Fire. Muffin may move directly to Position X.
C# G Minor [] - Intricacy. The Muffin may create and add a new flavour to the Ruleset (by emailing it to an Admin, or posting it to the BlogNomic weblog, if necessary); however, no Muffin may become that flavour OR make use of any of its attributes until 72 hours after it has been added to the Ruleset.
Add a new rule, entitled Email:
When a Muffin needs to notify another Muffin of something, and have it a matter of public record that such notification has been sent, they can send an email. This can be done by writing the email on the [[Email]] page of the Ruleset wiki. Each email should be accompanied by a unique reference number which may be added to the recipients Email field in the GNDT.
A Muffin may clear their email box in the GNDT at any time. A Muffin may delete an email that they have sent from the ruleset wiki at any time.

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