Proposal: Race to the Polls?
Alter the following paragraph in Rule 5, Enactment,
to read:
I know slow-moving queues were a complaint of some a while ago, but the queue is moving at warp speed now with some proposals enacted in 8 hours or less. And like most of my proposals do, I'm sure this one will fail, but nevertheless I still think it's a good idea to give players/Muffins at least half a day to check in and cast a vote. At the rate the queue is going now, if you are away from your computer for a day, you will have missed a chance to vote on a lot.
6-5 Timed out (Cosmos vote is invalid due to idle) Enacted by Quazie, 10th of January at 12:33 AM.
If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.
to read:
If the oldest pending Proposal's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum and that Proposal has been open for voting for at least twelve (12) hours, or if it is more than 48 hours old and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Enacted, then update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate to include the specified effects of that Proposal.
I know slow-moving queues were a complaint of some a while ago, but the queue is moving at warp speed now with some proposals enacted in 8 hours or less. And like most of my proposals do, I'm sure this one will fail, but nevertheless I still think it's a good idea to give players/Muffins at least half a day to check in and cast a vote. At the rate the queue is going now, if you are away from your computer for a day, you will have missed a chance to vote on a lot.

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