Proposal: A Rush and a Push
[ Making Pushing an ability available to everyone, rather than something that can only be done to Gits, and by non-Gits. ]
Reword "The Pusher" to:-
Failed by Kevan, 5th of April at 9:43.
Reword "The Pusher" to:-
Any Gremmie may Push any other Gremmie at any time, if they share a Yard value - the Pushed Gremmie may be moved one Yard in either direction.
If a Gremmie is pushed from the Speedboat, his or her stance is changed to Wiped Out.
Pushing a Gremmie who isn't an Obnoxious Git causes the Pusher to become an Obnoxious Git (any Admin may note this in the Ruleset within 48 hours of the push).

Failed by Kevan, 5th of April at 9:43.
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