Proposal: Dilate for outside line
Should Proposal: "explore the vessel at leisure" fail, this proposal also fails.
Add a new player to the GNDT, entitled 'Ship'.
Add a new field to the GNDT, entitled 'Space'. This field has two options - NES or TS. Set the Ship's Space to TS.
Unbenownst to Howard, the ship was struck by a meteor during its journey, badly damaging several of its functions. Firstly, the ship is unable to detect external damage to itself, nor is it capable to detecting where it is in physical space; it instead works from estimates based on programmed speed and trajectory, both of which are, needless to say, incorrect.
Secondly, the ship is not travelling through non-Euclidean space as was previously thought. It is instead travelling through normal space, albeit at something approaching the speed of light. The ship does retain the ability to shift into non-Euclidean space; however, it cannot control such shifts.
Add the following rule, entitled Temporal distortion, to the ruleset:
Create a new field in the GNDT, called 'Age'. All players may set their own age to any integer between 1 and 80, once, at any point within the 36 hours following the enactment of this proposal. Any crew members that have not set their age by this time should have their age set to 30.
Failed by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:09.
Add a new player to the GNDT, entitled 'Ship'.
Add a new field to the GNDT, entitled 'Space'. This field has two options - NES or TS. Set the Ship's Space to TS.
Unbenownst to Howard, the ship was struck by a meteor during its journey, badly damaging several of its functions. Firstly, the ship is unable to detect external damage to itself, nor is it capable to detecting where it is in physical space; it instead works from estimates based on programmed speed and trajectory, both of which are, needless to say, incorrect.
Secondly, the ship is not travelling through non-Euclidean space as was previously thought. It is instead travelling through normal space, albeit at something approaching the speed of light. The ship does retain the ability to shift into non-Euclidean space; however, it cannot control such shifts.
Add the following rule, entitled Temporal distortion, to the ruleset:
The age of all Crew members is tracked in the GNDT. At any time - but no more than once per day - any crew member may trigger a jump into non-Euclidean space (hereafter refered to, throughout the ruleset, as NES) by changing the value of the Space field of the Ship player in the GNDT to "NES". The jump to NES cannot be performed if the ship is already in NES. The dilation of time caused by the jump into NES causes the age of all Crew to be modified, depending on their location:
Deck 1: +5 years
Deck 2: +3 years
Deck 3: -2 years
Deck 4: No change
Deck 5: -14 years
If the ship is in NES, any player may, once per day, revert the ship to Temporal Space (or TS) by changing the value of the Space field of the Ship player in the GNDT to "TS". This, again, will affect the age of all crew members:
Deck 1: +3 years
Deck 2: No change
Deck 3: +11 years
Deck 4: -7 years
Deck 5: -3 years
If at any time a Crew Member's age is less than 1 or more than 80, that player is Dead, and has an asterisk (*) put next to their age in the GNDT. Their GNDT stats can no longer be changed unless specifically ordered by a rule, and they may not undertake any game action that requires the change of GNDT fields.
Create a new field in the GNDT, called 'Age'. All players may set their own age to any integer between 1 and 80, once, at any point within the 36 hours following the enactment of this proposal. Any crew members that have not set their age by this time should have their age set to 30.

Failed by Kevan, 6th of April at 21:09.
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