Proposal: OK, Computer!
Add a rule entitled "Most Illogical" to the ruleset, with the following text:
Note that the Computer is mostly unaffected by this rule.
Failed: self-kill.
Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:13.
Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal that has not been vetoed or self-failed, that Admin must subtract 1 from the Logic Value of each Crew Member who changed eir vote on that proposal. Then, that Admin must add 1 to the Logic Value of each Crew Member who voted DEFERENTIAL on that proposal and did not change eir vote to or from that. If the enacting or failing Admin does not do these things, then any Crew Member may, within 12 hours of the proposal's enactment or failure, perform the appropriate Logic Value alterations eirself, and, in addition, subtract 3 from the Logic Value of the enacting or failing Admin. If any of these changes would drop a Crew Member's Logic Value below 0, then that Crew Member's Logic Value becomes 0 instead. If any of these changes would raise a Crew Member's Logic Value above 60, then that Crew Member's Logic Value becomes 60 instead.
Note that the Computer is mostly unaffected by this rule.

Failed by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:13.
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