Proposal: He's dead, Jim.
Add the following text to Rule 10:
The Green Alert at the end is supposed to be a sort of "Simon is an awesome dude" clause.
Timed out 7-3 (with 5 abstentions).
Enacted by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:14.
(I won't bother adding two duplicate lists of Locations just yet, given that there's no way to become Wounded or Dead.)
Some Crewmembers are Wounded. If a Crewmember has an asterisk at the end of eir Location then that Crewmember is Wounded. Wounded crew members may not move themselfs except if they are Pulling the Levers of the Teleport Console. Any Wounded Crewmember in the sick bay may cease to be Wounded by removing the asterisk at the end of eir Location.
Some Crewmembers are Dead. If a Crewmember has two asterisks at the end of eir Location. Dead Crewmembers may not take any action that requires the changing of GNDT fields.
There is currentlly a Green Alert, meaning that any Dead Crewmembers become Wounded and any Wounded Crewmembers cease to be Wounded.
The Green Alert at the end is supposed to be a sort of "Simon is an awesome dude" clause.

Enacted by Kevan, 7th of April at 11:14.
(I won't bother adding two duplicate lists of Locations just yet, given that there's no way to become Wounded or Dead.)
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