Proposal: Alcoholics
From the Data Banks rule, remove:
To the Machinery rule, add:
If Proposal: Dead, Jim, dead passed, change "Inebriated" to "Stunned" in the Machinery rule wording above.
13-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:51
">QUERY. Howard, is there any machinery in the bar?"
"Affirmative. There is currently one piece of Machinery that are powered in the Bar. A list follows:
There is a Nanotechnological Beverage Synthesizer in the Bar. The Synthesizer is currently programmed only to construct beverages that are non-toxic to humans, with the exception of liquids with ethyl alcohol base. A Crewmember may create a beverage by stating the desired the desired beverage and Pushing the activation button.
Beverages must be consumed in the bar. A Crewmember drinking alcohol in the Bar may become Inebriated (at his or her own choice), which lowers the Action Points of that Crewmember by one. When the Points are reset that Crewmember is no longer Inebriated. If we add rules to allow gear for the Crew, we can change this so that drinks can be removed from the Bar."
To the Machinery rule, add:
* Nanotechnological Beverage Synthesizer [Bar] A Crewmember who is Pushing the Buttons here may create a beverage by stating the desired beverage in the GNDT comments field. Beverages must be consumed in the bar and are desintegrated if the Crewmember who created it leaves the Bar. A Crewmember consuming alcohol in the Bar may become Inebriated (at his or her own choice), which lowers eir Action Points by one.
If Proposal: Dead, Jim, dead passed, change "Inebriated" to "Stunned" in the Machinery rule wording above.

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