Proposal: Regrouping
In Rule 17, replace "Any Crew Member who has no Group may assign themselves to Group of their choice, at any time, unless that Group already has more members than any other." with:-
And also remove "in descending order of Clearance", as this might make group selection more interesting.
Upon enactment of this proposal, any Crew Member who is in a Group shall be removed from it.
11-4. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos at 04/10/2005 GMT 13:49
Any Crew Member who has no Group may assign themselves to the Group with fewest members, at any time. (If several groups are tied for fewest members, the Crew Member may choose which to be assigned to.)
And also remove "in descending order of Clearance", as this might make group selection more interesting.
Upon enactment of this proposal, any Crew Member who is in a Group shall be removed from it.

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