Proposal: Dead, Jim, Dead
[ Turning health into a separate GNDT field, and polishing it a bit. Also removing the "Green Alert" moratorium, which doesn't have any effect, as there's still no way for crew to become injured under the current ruleset. ]
Replace the three paragraphs from "Some Crewmembers are Wounded" onward, in Rule 10, with:-
If "Fixing Actions" passed, replace the "If a Crew Member is Wounded or Dead" sentence with:-
Add a new piece of Machinery:-
Rename Rule 10 to "The Crew".
13-0. Reached Quorum/Timed Out. Enacted by Chronos at 04/09/2005 GMT 15:03
Replace the three paragraphs from "Some Crewmembers are Wounded" onward, in Rule 10, with:-
Crew Members are (in descending order of vitality) either Healthy, Stunned, Wounded or Dead - this is tracked in the GNDT.
If a Crew Member is Stunned, they may not move between Locations. If a Crew Member is Wounded or Dead, they may not take any action that requires the changing of GNDT fields.
If "Fixing Actions" passed, replace the "If a Crew Member is Wounded or Dead" sentence with:-
If a Crew Member becomes Wounded or Dead, their Daily Points are reduced to zero.
Add a new piece of Machinery:-
Medibank [Sickbay] If anyone is Pressing the Buttons on the Medibank, then they may restore any Stunned or Wounded Crew in the Sickbay (besides themselves) to a Healthy state. If healed from being Wounded, a Crew Member's Daily Points are set to the initial new-Crew value.
Rename Rule 10 to "The Crew".

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