Proposal: Remove Unfair Punishment
In the rule "Time Out", replace
If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal (other than the Player who Proposed it) may be fined 10 points, by any Player, provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal.
If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has been a Player for 48 hours, who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal may be fined 10 points, by any Player, provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal.
[Coming back from Idling, or being a new player, could currently get one punished for any Proposals that haven't passed, even though you've only just arrived. Also "other than the Player who proposed it" is redundant since the Player who proposed it *has* voted FOR, under the last paragraph of "Voting". However, to clarify that a little...]
In the rule "Voting", replace
If the Player who made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
If the Player who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
Enacted by Erik, Friday the 28th, 10 points to Raven???, 5 points to Erik
In the rule "Time Out", replace
If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal (other than the Player who Proposed it) may be fined 10 points, by any Player, provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal.
If a Proposal has been pending for more than 48 hours, any Player who has been a Player for 48 hours, who has not yet cast a vote on that Proposal may be fined 10 points, by any Player, provided that they have not already been fined 10 points for not voting on that Proposal.
[Coming back from Idling, or being a new player, could currently get one punished for any Proposals that haven't passed, even though you've only just arrived. Also "other than the Player who proposed it" is redundant since the Player who proposed it *has* voted FOR, under the last paragraph of "Voting". However, to clarify that a little...]
In the rule "Voting", replace
If the Player who made a Proposal has not cast a Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
If the Player who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.

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