Proposal: Flattery...
... can work miracles for you.
Add to Document Pushing:
Should this proposal pass, a new column shall be added to the GNDT, named "Flattering". The value of this new column shall indicates who's currently being flattered by this Teamsperson, with "-" meaning no one is currently being flattered.
Enacted by Kevan, 27th August. +10 to Chronos, +2 to Kevan.
Add to Document Pushing:
- Flatter Someone. This Teamsperson (the Flatterer) must post a GNDT comment stating who is being Flatterered and transfer 10 Dignity to that Teamsperson (The Flattered), which must have a higher Dignity. The Flatterer is thus allowed to, during 48 hours counting immediately after this action is announced, act or be targeted by actions as if its Dignity were the same as the current Flattered Teamsperson's Dignity.
- Discredit Flatterer. This costs 15 Dignity. This Flattered Teamsperson must post a GNDT comment stating which Flatterer is being discredited. The effects of the Flattery action immediately cease and the Flatterer looses 5 Dignity.
Should this proposal pass, a new column shall be added to the GNDT, named "Flattering". The value of this new column shall indicates who's currently being flattered by this Teamsperson, with "-" meaning no one is currently being flattered.

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