Proposal : Project Management
[ Perhaps the current lethargy and lack of documents is down to the unpredictable chaos of the stationery cupboard. Maybe we should get to choose the projects we're making the effort to initiate. ]
Replace "Generate Work" with:-
Enacted by Kevan, 27th August. +12 to Kevan.
Replace "Generate Work" with:-
Start a Project. This costs 10 Dignity. The Teamsperson may create a Document containing any number of Black and White Pages, and one other Page of their choice, and place it in their own Inbox.And add a new game action:-
Answer the Phone. This costs nothing, but each Teamsperson may only Answer the Phone once per day. The Teamsperson must post a GNDT comment containing either one or two occurrences of the string "Document:COLOUR"; a new Document is then added to their Inbox with the resultant colours, in the order that they were generated.

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