Proposal : Balanced Eco-System
Create 3 new GNDT Entries
Enacted by Josh; 9 for, 1 against
- Oxygen
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
Each with initial size of 3000
Then add the following rule - Balanced Ecosystem
Whenever a specimen successfully breaths, the size of the element they absorb is reduced by a value equal to their size, and the size of the element they emit is increased by a value equal to their size. Specimens are unable to breath if the size of the element they absorb is less then their size.
If Proposal : Population Control passes, change all incidences of the term 'Specimen' in this rule to 'Strain';
If Proposal: The Virus passes, then add to the rule Virus, after
who continue to emit the same element as it absorbs.
the text
The sizes of the elements the virus absorbs and emits should also be adjusted appropriately at this time.

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