Proposal: Shark Jumping Take Duex... Take Duex
Amend the last two paragraphs of Rule 18 stating
to state
I think that should fix it up, and still allow you to get eaten for not succeeding at the stunt.
Timed Out 7-1. Enacted by Topher, 16th of March at 19:54.
If a Stunt would cross the path of the Shark (ie. the movement being used to perform the Stunt starts on one side of the Shark and ends on the other), then the Gremmie performing it is considered to be Jumping the Shark.
If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Perfect (highest possible) die roll, it is instead considered Mondo. If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Successful die roll, it is instead considered Perfect. If the Gremmie wipes out, he or she is moved to the same Yard position as the Shark.
to state
If a Gremmie performs a Stunt that causes em to cross the path of the Shark (ie. the movement caused by the Stunt starts on one side of the Shark and ends on the other), then e is considered to be Jumping the Shark.
If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Perfect (highest possible) die roll, it is instead considered Mondo. If a Stunt that Jumps the Shark obtains a Successful die roll, it is instead considered Perfect. If a Stunt that attempts to Jump the Shark results in a Wipe Out, and therefore the Gremmie does not Jump the Shark, e is moved to the same Yard position as the Shark.
I think that should fix it up, and still allow you to get eaten for not succeeding at the stunt.

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