Proposal: Farther Out is Better
In rule 17, change:
to read:
Giving those who go out further an advantage appropriate to their coolness.
Quorum Reached 9-1. Enacted by Topher, 16th of March at 19:57.
provided their current Yards is greater than 10, a Surfing Gremmie may subtract 10 from their Yards and attempt a Stunt immediately afterwards.
to read:
provided their current Yards are greater than 10, a Surfing Gremmie may subtract anywhere between 10 and n - 1 Yards (where n is their current Yards) from their Yards and attempt a Stunt immediately afterwards, with a Z coolness factor equal to one tenth, rounded down to the next integer, of the distance they moved.
Giving those who go out further an advantage appropriate to their coolness.

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