Proposal: Hungry Hungry People
Add a new column to the GNDT entitled Cheese.
Add a rule entitled Cheese:
Add a rule entitled Eating:
3-11. Reached Quorum. Failed by Chronos
Add a rule entitled Cheese:
There exists a GNDT entity called Cheese which is tracked in the normal GNDT table. Each Family starts off with 2 Cheese, which are fully transferable. The value of Cheese may be any integer value equal to or greater than 0. At any time a Family may purchase 1 Cheese for 7 Thalers.
Add a rule entitled Eating:
To survive a family member must eat. For every Family member over the age of 10 or 1 day (depending on how the age of a Family Member is defined) a Family must own 1 Cheese. If there is not enough Cheese for a Family Member to survive then the youngest Family Member over the age of 10 or 1 day (depending on how the age of a Family Member is defined) will die. If a Family Member is Male and married then he must also provide for his wife and, unless it is an incestuous marriage, the Family that the Male's spouse belongs to no longer has to provide for her. Thus the size of a Family as far as the Eating rule is concerned is # of Family Members + # of married males - # of married females.

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