Proposal: Man's Best Friend
That to the GNDT be added:
3 new columns, one labeled 'Consumables', another 'Live Pets', and another 'Dead pets'.
Add a rule entitled Consumables:
Add a rule entitled Pets:
5-12. Reached Quorum. Failed by Chronos
3 new columns, one labeled 'Consumables', another 'Live Pets', and another 'Dead pets'.
Add a rule entitled Consumables:
There exists a GNDT entity called Consumables which are tracked in the normal GNDT table. Each Family starts off with 25 Consumables, which may be given away to anyone the owner of said Consumables desires. Consumables may be any integer value equal to or greater than 0. Once every week, excluding the first week of the initiation of this law or a Families first week in this dynasty each family may gain 25 Consumables free of charge. At any time a Family may spend 5 Thalers to gain 25 Consumables.
Add a rule entitled Pets:
There exists a GNDT entity called Live Pets which are tracked in the normal GNDT table. There also exists a GNDT entity called Dead Pets which are tracked in the normal GNDT table. Each Family starts off with 1 Live Pet and 0 Dead Pets. Both Live Pets and Dead Pets can be any integer value equal to or greater than 0. At the end of each day 5 Consumables will be deducted for each Live Pet a Family owns, these may be deducted by any player. If a Family does not have enough Consumables to feed a Live Pet, than the number of unfed pets is deducted from the families Live Pets field and added to their Dead Pets field. Live Pets may be traded, exchanged, or given away with or without the receivers consent, Dead Pets are non-transferable. Once every week, excluding the first week of the initiation of this law or a Families first week in this dynasty each family may gain 1 Live Pet free of charge.

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