Proposal: Will You Marry Me?
(I've always wanted to use this title for a proposal)
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Marriage, with text as follows:
Note that this gives no method of becoming married; I figure that can happen in later proposals. I just didn't want to make this proposal overly complicated.
9-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Marriage, with text as follows:
There exists a column in the secondary GNDT table, entitled Spouse. If a Family member is Married, this column contains the name of his or her Marriage partner. No male Family member with an age less than 2, or female Family member with an age less than 1, can be Married. A Family member's Spouse must be of the opposite gender, and Marriage must be reciprocal (that is, if Hans has Gretchen as his spouse, Gretchen must have Hans as hers). No Family member may have more than one Spouse at a time.
Note that this gives no method of becoming married; I figure that can happen in later proposals. I just didn't want to make this proposal overly complicated.

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