Proposal: Hog Head Pie
Summery of changes:
1) Establish clear rules for post handling
2) Establish standardized voting rules (currently proposals, cfjs, and dovs all work in slightly different ways)
3) Increase proposal limit to 5 trivials
4) Cap of 10 trivials per day
5) Make pending/enacted/etc. apply to everything
6) Expand the powers of CfJs slightly -- they can now do things like change an ugly color scheme
7) Trivials are now formatted Trivial Proposal: Name rather than Proposal: Name [Trivial]
Change Rule 8 - Gamestate Tracking to:
Change Rule 4 - Proposals to:8 - Gamestate Tracking
Proposals, Calls for Judgement, and other official posts, as well as specific gamestate information, shall be tracked by the BlogNomic blog at Any Family may post to the blog at any time, but may only make OfficialPosts to the blog when the ruleset allows it. OfficialPosts must be in the following format:
[Type]: [Subject]
[Post Body]Currently, the legal OfficialPosts are as follow:
Type Subject Rule Slots Proposal Name (No Effect) 4 - Proposals 2 Trivial Proposal Name (No Effect) 4 - Proposals 1 Call for Judgement Name (No Effect) 7 - Calls for Judgement 0 Declaration of Victory No Effect 10 - Victory and Ascension 1 Ascension Address Theme (No Effect) 10 - Victory and Ascension 0 If [Subject] is empty, the colon and space preceding it may be omitted. If possible, the [Type]: [Subject] line must be contained within the Title field of the post.
OfficialPosts can be edited only as specified by the RuleSet.
OfficialPosts with no comments by someone other than the poster may be edited or removed
A post which does not qualify as an OfficialPost at the time it is posted does not exist for all intents and purposes, even if it later would qualify to be an OfficialPost.
A single family has 5 slots availible for pending OfficialPosts. Any action which would result in a Family having more than 5 slots of pending OfficialPosts may not be taken. For example, a Family could have two pending Proposals, one pending Proposal and three pending Trivial Proposals, or five pending Declerations of Victory (although Hiatus would make that difficult). In addition, no more than 10 slots of OfficialPosts may be posted in a single day by a Family.
Voting and comments are tracked by backBlog, accessible throughthe link at the bottom of every post.
OfficialPosts can either be Pending, Enacted, Failed or Expired. When a OfficialPost is first posted, it is considered Pending if it requires actions to be taken for it to take effect, or Enacted if it does not.
Specific parts of the Gamestate data shall be tracked by theGeneric Nomic Data Tracker at Family may update any Family's data via the GNDT, whenever theRuleset permits it.
All updates to the GNDT are logged - if a Family feels that analteration goes against the Rules (as they were at the time of thealteration), he or she may simply undo the effects of thatalteration. If such an undoing is disputed, a Call for Judgmentshould be raised.
Families shall be assigned a password for the GNDT when they jointhe Nomic.
Change Rule 5 - Voting to:4 - Proposals
Any Family may propose a change to the Ruleset or gamestate by posting a Proposal or Trivial Proposal OfficialPost which describes the changes they wish to be made.
Proposals and Trivial Proposals are voted on using the Quorum Voting rules.
Quorum for Proposals and Trivial Proposals is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
When a Proposal or Trivial Proposal is Enacted, the Enacting Admin should follow all instructions contained in the post.
If the majority of votes FOR a Proposal are marked 'Trivial' when it is enacted, it is considered a Trivial Proposal.
When a Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 10 Thalers and the Enacting Admin may gain 5 Thalers. When a Proposal fails, its proposer loses 3 Thalers.
When a Trivial Proposal is enacted, its proposer gains 3 Thalers and the Enacting Admin may gain 2 Thalers. When a Trivial Proposal fails, its proposer loses 1 Thalers.
Whenever an Admin Enacts or Fails a Proposal that has been pending for more than 48 hours, he/she has the option of deducting 5 Thalers from the accounts of all active Families who did not vote on the Proposal. This deduction cannot take place if a proposal has been vetoed or self failed.
Change Rule 6 - Enactment to:5 - Quorum Voting
Any Family may cast their vote on a Pending OfficialPost by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL, which must be represented by appropriate icons. If there exists more than one Vote from a single Family on a single Proposal, only the most recent of those Votes is counted. If a Family leaves the game or goes idle, their Vote no longer counts.
A vote of DEFERENTIAL is a vote of no opinion, or of faith in the decision of the Emperor. The vote will count as the same as the Emperor's vote. The Emperor cannot cast a vote of DEFERENTIAL. If there is no Emperor, a vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit vote of abstention.
If the Family who made a Proposal has not cast an explicit Vote on it, their Vote is counted as FOR.
Pending OfficialPosts which use this rule are called VotingPosts.
Change Rule 7 - Calls for Judgement to:6 - Enactment
Unless otherwise specified, Pending VotingPosts Expire after 48 hours.
If the oldest VotingPost's FOR votes exceed or equal Quorum, or if it has Expired and more than half of its votes are FOR, then any Admin Staff may mark that OfficialPost as Enacted, and update the Ruleset and/or Gamestate as specified by that post.
If the oldest VotingPost has enough AGAINST votes that it could not be Enacted without one of those votes being changed, or if all Families have voted on it and it still cannot be Enacted, or if the Family who posted it has voted AGAINST it, or if it has Expired and most of its votes are AGAINST, then any Admin Staff may mark that Proposal as Failed. When the poster votes against his or her own VotingPost, that vote may not be changed.
Change Rule 10 - Victory and Ascension to:7 - Calls for Judgement
If two or more Families actively disagree as to the interpretation of the Ruleset, or if a Family feels that an aspect of the game needs urgent attention, then any Family may raise a Call for Judgment by posting a Call for Judgment OfficialPost, and goes on to describe the issue, and measures that should be taken to resolve it.
CfJs are voted on using the Quorum Voting rules.
CfJs can not be VETOED.
Quorum for CfJs is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
CfJs Expire after 96 hours. Ignore all other VotingPosts for the purposes of determaining if a CfJ can be Enacted.
When a CfJ is Enacted, the Enacting Admin should follow all instructions contained in the post.
CfJs can do anything, including change things not part of the Gamestate if the Enacting Admin is able to implement the specified changes.
10 - Victory and Ascension
If a Family believes that they have achieved the victory conditions for the current Dynasty, they may post a Declaration of Victory OfficialPost. At this point, BlogNomic immediately goes into Hiatus, during which no other game actions (including other victory claims) may be taken.
DoVs are voted on using the Quorum Voting rules.
DoVs can not be VETOED.
Quorum for DoVs is equal to half the number of Families, rounded down, plus one.
DoVs do not Expire. Ignore all other VotingPosts for the purposes of determaining if a CfJ can be Enacted.
After 24 hours, the Emperor may Enact the DoV at any time, regardless of current vote.
When a Dynasty has been won, all Families' GNDT stats are reset to zero or blank. Any Families who were idle throughout that Dynasty may be removed from the game, at the Emperor's discretion.
The Hiatus then continues until the new Emperor posts an Ascension Address to the BlogNomic weblog - this should specify the Emperor's chosen theme for the new round, and may optionally include a proclamation that any number of Rules will be repealed (excluding Rules 1-10 and 99), and/or that the words "Family", "Emperor" and "Thalers" will be replaced with new theme-appropriate terms. If the new Emperor chooses not to repeal a rule with number over 10, he/she may also replace any keyword in those rules with a new theme-appropriate term. The remaining rules, after the new Emperor's proclamation, shall be renumbered to keep a sequential progression. The new Emperor may also proclaim at the Ascension Address the veto of any VotingPosts. The failure of said proposals shall incur no Thalers penalty for the proposer.
Upon posting this Address, and having made the Ruleset changes, the Hiatus period ends and the new Dynasty commences.

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