Proposal: Too Much Pressure Breaks the Pier
Add the following rule, entitled "I Laugh Because You Are All The Same", to the ruleset.
Example: The votes are FOR FOR FOR FOR AGAINST AGAINST FOR AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST IMPERIAL AGAINST* FOR, with the starred vote bering the Emperor's. The first four voters would all get 5 Thalers subtracted from their accounts, as would the four Against voters in a row. The Imperial voter would NOT, even though their vote counted as an Against vote, as they did not explicitly vote Against.
This proposal is mainly to encourage actual reading and consideration of the Proposals, instead of just looking at how other people voted (something which I know I have been guilty of, and I'm sure I'm not the only one). It's really not that hard to ignore votes cast in comment replies, as they're indented to the right. I figured it would make it easier on the Admin, not having to juggle the order of the votes.
3-10. Cannot enact without change of vote. Failed by Smith, 4th of Dec. -3 to Cayvie.
An Admin may not enact or fail a Proposal if he/she was the last Family to cast or change a Vote on that Proposal. In order to make timestamp order easier to recognize, votes may only be cast in direct comments to the Proposal, not in replies to comments (i.e., a vote cast in a comment made after pressing the "reply to this comment specifically" button is not to be counted, though it may be made for symbolic or aesthetic reasons, in addition to an actual vote).
Whenever an Admin enacts or fails a proposal (that was not self-failed or vetoed), that admin looks at the string of votes in timestamp order (counting only the most recent one for each Family, and ignoring the Proposer's vote). If there are any strings of four or more identical votes cast in a row (either FOR, AGAINST, or IMPERIAL), then that Admin must subtract 5 Thalers from each of the voters in each such string. If the Admin rewards or punishes the Propser's Thalers (for passing or failing a Proposal) but fails to do this, then any one Family may take it upon themselves to do this, and may, in addition, subtract 10 Thalers from the guilty Admin.
Example: The votes are FOR FOR FOR FOR AGAINST AGAINST FOR AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST IMPERIAL AGAINST* FOR, with the starred vote bering the Emperor's. The first four voters would all get 5 Thalers subtracted from their accounts, as would the four Against voters in a row. The Imperial voter would NOT, even though their vote counted as an Against vote, as they did not explicitly vote Against.
This proposal is mainly to encourage actual reading and consideration of the Proposals, instead of just looking at how other people voted (something which I know I have been guilty of, and I'm sure I'm not the only one). It's really not that hard to ignore votes cast in comment replies, as they're indented to the right. I figured it would make it easier on the Admin, not having to juggle the order of the votes.

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