Proposal: Crime and Punishment
Rewrite rule 15 - Crime and Punishment, so it reads:
Smith shall receive the reward for authoring, if this Proposal passes.
9-3. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
Certain activities are Against the Law, and a Family may accuse another Family of breaking a Law. This is done by petitioning the Emperor with a Topic of "Accuse [Family Name]" and describing how the Law was broken. (The accusation does not have to be true, although the Law named must exist.)
In the Pronouncement on the Petition, the Emperor may decree the Crime or Crimes committed by the named Family and/or the Petitioner. Either or both Families can be deemed guilty of Crimes regardless of whether the Petition was approved or rejected. A Family may be found guilty of multiple counts of the same Crime.
When a Family Enforces an imperial Pronouncement, they may punish the guilty Family as appropriate by using the list of Crimes and their associated Punishments at the end of this rule. A Family may choose to apply the Punishments in any order and at any time, but after 48 hours have passed since the Petition was resolved the mandate for Punishment has expired and can no longer be Enforced.
* "Insolence" or "Wasting the Emperor's Time" or "Disrupting the Peace". Transfer 5 Thalers from the guilty Family to the Emperor.
* "Negligence" or "Wrongful Action". Transfer 5 Thalers from the guilty Family to the other Family involved in the Petition. If the Family has fewer than 5 Thalers then all of their Thalers are transferred.
* "Gross Neglect" or "Heinous Acts". Transfer half of the Thalers from the guilty Family to the other Family involved in the Petition.
* "Disregard of the Law" or "Dereliction of Duty" or "Willful Misconduct". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers by 5. If the Family has fewer than 5 Thalers then their Thalers is set to 0.
* "Blasphemy" or "Imperial Offence". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers by half.
* "Heresy" or "Treason". Reduce the guilty Family's Thalers to 0.
Smith shall receive the reward for authoring, if this Proposal passes.

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