Proposal: Vendetta
Create a Vendetta rule:
1-13. Reached Quorum. Failed by Chronos
The GNDT will track the Vendettas between the Families.
A Family, hereby called Provocator, may try to start a Vendetta with another Family, hereby called Provocated, regarding there is not already a Vendetta between them, by spending 10 Thalers and posting an entry with Subject: “Vendetta Provocation: [Provocated Family]”. The Provocator may say in the body of that entry the reasons of the Vendetta.
The Provocated Family may Accept the Provocation within the period of 48 hours imediately after its posting, by making a comment into that entry with a FOR Icon Vote. If a Provocation is accept, the name of each of the involved Families is included in the other’s Vendetta field in the GNDT.
The Provocated Family may Reject the Provocation within the period of 48 hours imediately after its posting, by spending 10 Thalers and making a comment into that entry with an AGAINST Icon Vote.
If 48 hours passes after the posting of a Vendetta Provocation without Aceepting or Rejecting by the Provocated Family, the Vendetta Provocation is deemed Ignored by that Family, and any Family may deduce, once, 5 Thalers from the Provocator Family and 15 Thalers from the Provocated Family. It’s Against the Law for a Provocated Family to Ignore a Vendetta Provocation if they don’t have 15 Thalers at that moment.

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