Proposal: Keeping Up With The Capotes [Trivial]
[ Reproposing Royce's probably-non-proposal, with a bit of spit and polish. ]
To Rule 11 (Family), add:-
To Rule 13 (Marriage), change "the two Family Members become one another's Spouses" to:-
Royce shall gain 5 Thalers if this proposal passes. (Unless "Some one was going to propose it eventually ..." was treated a proposal and was passed, in which case he gets nothing from this. And in which case the "Surnames" rule should be repealed, and the above changes just considered to be tidying it up.)
13-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
To Rule 11 (Family), add:-
Each Family has a Surname, which is listed in the GNDT. A Family's surname is initially the same as the name of that Family; they may change their Surname from this to any other currently-unused Surname, at any time.
To Rule 13 (Marriage), change "the two Family Members become one another's Spouses" to:-
the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer
Royce shall gain 5 Thalers if this proposal passes. (Unless "Some one was going to propose it eventually ..." was treated a proposal and was passed, in which case he gets nothing from this. And in which case the "Surnames" rule should be repealed, and the above changes just considered to be tidying it up.)

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