Proposal: Storking up a Storm
Give 5 Thalers to Josh.
Add the following rule, entitled Childbirth, to the ruleset
Yes, 10 years is a rather long gestation period, but it seemed the most logical way to handle the situation without the number of kids getting out of hand. Do you really want us to be able to have 10 kids a day per couple?
13-0. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
Add the following rule, entitled Childbirth, to the ruleset
If, within a Family's Members, there exists a Married couple, in which the Male member is between 20 and 60 years of age, and the Female member is between 20 and 50, then that Family may, once per day (for each such couple), attempt to have a child. This is done by posting a comment to the GNDT in the format "[Female Member] and [Male Member] having kids: DICE, DICE"
The first DICE roll is to determine how successful the pregnancy was. On a roll of 1, 2, or 3, the pregnancy is normal, with no ill effects. On a roll of 4 or 5, the pregnancy fails, and that couple must wait another day to try. On a roll of 6, the pregnancy succeeds, but the mother dies in childbirth (her Age is turned to X, her Marriage is annulled, and the like)
If the pregnancy succeeds, then the second roll is to determine the gender of the child. An even number makes the child Male, and an odd roll makes it Female. The Family must then add an appropriately gendered Family Member, with age of 0, to their GNDT entry.
Yes, 10 years is a rather long gestation period, but it seemed the most logical way to handle the situation without the number of kids getting out of hand. Do you really want us to be able to have 10 kids a day per couple?

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