Proposal: Arranged Marriages
Ignore this rule if Proposal: Storking up a Storm fails.
Adds a subheading to Marriage:
Modifies rule Marriage:
There may also be other benefits to marrying, such as inheriting land, that could be the reason for these.
5-8. Could not be enacted w/o vote change. Failed by Smith, 4th of Dec. -3 to ShadowSliver.
Adds a subheading to Marriage:
Arranged Marriages:
After a child has been born (and only when it has an age of 0), that family may negotiate with another family that has a child with an age of 0 for an arranged marriage. This is done with a post of the form: Arrange Marriage: [Child1, Child2].
The post must firmly define what the other family will receive for allowing their children to marry, and/or what they must pay the proposer. It must also say at what age the children are to marry.
If the other family votes FOR, than they each pay each other what was defined in the post. When the children reach the specified age, they will become married.
Modifies rule Marriage:
A dowry is not required if the members of the marriage are within the same family or if those involved in the marriage are of the same gender.
A dowry is not required if the members of the marriage are within the same family ,if those involved in the marriage are of the same gender or if it is an arranged marriage.
There may also be other benefits to marrying, such as inheriting land, that could be the reason for these.

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