Proposal: No Longer an Army of One
Add a new rule entitled "Garrisons":
1-10. Could not be enacted w/o change of vote. Failed by Smith, 4th of Dec. -3 to Heiwa.
Each Family controls an armed force called a Garrison. A GNDT column named "Garrison" shall list a value for each Family’s Garrison. Upon passage of this Proposal, each Family shall have a Garrison of 1. New Families start with a Garrison of 1. Garrisons may never be less than 0.
Once per day, a Family may state its intention to alter its Garrison by a value of N (where N is a non-zero integer) by making a post with a subject of "Garrison Alteration: N". If N is positive, that Family’s Garrison rises by N; this costs that Family (10 x N) Thalers. If N is negative, that Family’s Garrison lowers by N.
Once per week, the Emperor may make a post requiring all Families to undertake Garrison Maintenance. Garrison Maintenance costs a Family an amount of Thalers equal to its present Garrison. Any Family unable to meet this cost shall have its Garrison reduced to 0 and must post a comment to the GNDT in the format “Garrison Revenge: DICE”. On a DICE roll of 1 or 2, unpaid Garrison members kill the Member of that Family with the highest Age; that Family Member’s Age is changed to X. All other DICE rolls have no effect. If the Emperor has not required Garrison Maintenance during an entire week, all Families are required to undertake Garrison Maintenance as if the Emperor had made such a post.

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