Proposal: How About That New Religion? [Trivial]
We are truly a blessed people for we have been shepherded from the dark time of myth and monsters into the light! Be grateful to the vigilant holy orders that keep us on the narrow path.
Create a rule called Clergy:
11-1. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Smith, 5th of Dec. +4 to Smith.
Create a rule called Clergy:
By paying a cost of 20 Thalers a Family may send one of its live, unmarried Members to the seminary to join the ranks of the clergy. That Member becomes a Priest which is indicated by a "+" at the end of their name.Change the second line of the rule Marriage to:
The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal for as long as both parties remain unmarried at which point any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the ceremony by posting a comment to that effect; after that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer.[I'm offering this to fit the theme better, but I think it could co-exist with my previous religion proposal. A Reformation could be introduced later.]

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