Proposal: Automatic Timekeeping [Trivial]
Knightking mentioned that he could easily write some javascript which would automatically update the Calendar. If this proposal passes Knightking is authorized to make such a change to the blog template and when he does so shall be compensated for his time by 10 Thalers.
After he does this, any Admin may modify the Calendar rule to read:
Edit the Death and Inheiritance rule to read:
10-2. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Smith, 4th of Dec. +4 to Smith.
After he does this, any Admin may modify the Calendar rule to read:
The Year is tracked in the Blog sidebar. It is measured in Years A.T. ("Anno Truman"). Once per day the Calendar advances 10 Years.The Admin may also change the wording of the rule to detail how the script increments the Year (such as, "Every day at midnight blog time, Calendar advances 10 Years.") The Admin who makes these changes may claim 2 Thalers.
Edit the Death and Inheiritance rule to read:
If any Family Member would become older than 70 Years they die of natural causes. Any Family may mark the deceased Family Member using the current Year as the Deathdate, as specified by the Family rule.[That rule is still inconsistent with the Birthdate-Deathdate notation.]

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