Proposal: Group Scandals [Trivial]
[Making a Scandal post apply to several Lords at once (optionally), as well as giving it a popular support effect.]
Rewrite the Scandal rule to read:
reached quorum +2 to Orson, Truman (5 - 0)(9 - 0)
Rewrite the Scandal rule to read:
If any Lords are involved in a Scandal a Lord may make a post with the subject "Scandal: [Lord names]". The body of the post must include a description of the trigger event causing the named Lords to be involved in the Scandal. If that same event has already been described in an existing Scandal for any of the named Lords, the Scandal has already been made public for those Lords and cannot be posted.
The Lord posting the Scandal must reduce the Confidence of the Lords named by half. If this would reduce the Confidence of a Lord to below 10, the Lord posting the Scandal may, exactly once, transfer one Electoral Vote from that Lord named in the Scandal to himself, if the Lord named in the Scandal has more than one Electoral Vote.
If there is more than one Lord from the same Party named in a Scandal, the Lord posting the Scandal must also reduce the popular support of the Party to which those Lords belong by a random amount determined by the result of (DICE - 1) x 5% (a range of 0-25%).

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