Proposal: Cayvie sucks. ;-)
If "Moving on revision 1" is passed, change
The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted,
any Family who has a living Priest as a Membermay perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect.
The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted, a Family meeting the requirements set forth later in this Rule may perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect.
A Family may perform a Marriage if
- That Family does not have as a Member that Proposed Marriage's proposer, AND
- That Family does not have as a Member the Member being proposed to in that Proposed Marriage, AND
- That Family has at least one living Priest.

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