Proposal: Cleanups (Trivial)
Amend the first sentence of rule 13 - Marriage to read:
"A living Family Member may propose to wed another living Family Member"
As far as I can tell, nothing prevents marriages from beyond the grave. Sure, a Death in a marriage ends it, but dead Family Members are still Family Members.
Amend the first sentence of rule 17 - Childbirth to read:
"If, within a Family's Members, there exists a Married couple, in which the Male member is at least 20 and not yet 70 years of age, and the Female member is at least 20 not yet 60, then that Family may, once per day (for each such couple), attempt to have a child."
Between is always problematic.

Passed 12-0. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +4 to Cayvie
"A living Family Member may propose to wed another living Family Member"
As far as I can tell, nothing prevents marriages from beyond the grave. Sure, a Death in a marriage ends it, but dead Family Members are still Family Members.
Amend the first sentence of rule 17 - Childbirth to read:
"If, within a Family's Members, there exists a Married couple, in which the Male member is at least 20 and not yet 70 years of age, and the Female member is at least 20 not yet 60, then that Family may, once per day (for each such couple), attempt to have a child."
Between is always problematic.

Passed 12-0. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +4 to Cayvie
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