Proposal: Bring out your dead!
create a new column in the GNDT called Cemetery.
add a law called Respect for the Dead
2-8. Cannot be enacted without change of vote. Failed by Cayvie, 6th of Dec. -3 to Quazie.
add a law called Respect for the Dead
A column exists in the GNDT called Cemetery. The Cemetery originally starts off empty.
Once a Family Member has died a family has 2 days to bury their dead or on midnight blog time the body of the dead family member will decay and cease to exist, and thus removed from the GNDT.
To bury a dead Family Member a Family must pay 4 Thalers and move the Family Member to the cemetery. Family Members in the cemetery will be formated as such Forename Surname (Cause of death/gender/spouse name/titles held). The titles held section will indicate if the Family Member was a priest or something similar.
Family Members that have been Outcasted can be sent to the Outcasts cemetery if a Family decides to donate the 4 Thaler fee to have an Outcast buried, an additional 2 Thaler fee can be paid to have the Family Member returned to the cemetery of the Family Members origin, if and only if the Family itself pays this 2 thaler fee and the Outcast still retains its Family name.
Anyone may donate money to any Family to cover a burial, and this shall be denoted in a comment in the GNDT. If a wife, husband dies then a donation is expected from which ever family did not lose a family member with 'blood' relations. The death of a child (under the age of 30) must be paid for equally by each effected family, 2 Thalers from the mothers side 2 Thalers from the fathers.

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