Proposal: GNDT Census Legibility [Trivial]
In Rule 11 - Family, change
Vetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.
Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a listwith each Member formatted as "Forename (BirthDate/Gender?, married to Spouse)",with Gender as a single letter- a typical list might be "Hans (10/M, married to Gretchen), Gretchen (20/F, married to Hans), Gustav (10/M)".
Members of a family shall be stored in a GNDT field of 'Members', as a list. Each Member will be denoted in the format "Forename(BirthDate/Gender)", with Gender as a single letter.
Married couples and their children will be grouped together in brackets, in the format "[[ Proposer & Proposee >> Children ]]". ("Children" here does not pertain to age; a Child will only be removed from the brackets if he leaves the family, if he gets married himself, or if his parents' Marriage is annulled.) All such groupings in a Family will appear at the beginning of its Members list. If a Family has Members who are married to Members of another Family, they will be denoted in the format "Forename(Birthdate/Gender, married to Spouse)" immediately following any bracketed groups in that Family's Members field.
A Family's dead Members will be grouped together in braces {{ }} at the end of its Members list.
A typical list, then, might read as follows:
[[ Bob(20/M) & Sueann(30/F/Smith) >> Billy(50/M), Catherine(60/F) ]] Joe(40/M, married to Lucy), Susie(50/F) {{ Remus(10-90/M), Claire(10-90/F) }}

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