Proposal: Theirs was a Forbidden Love
Add a Rule called Trysts:
Passed 10-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +10 to smith, +5 to Cayvie
Once per day, a Family Member may attempt to have a love affair with another Family Member by having their Family post a blog entry or GNDT comment with a request for a tryst. There is a random chance the Family Member being propositioned may accept, the poster must roll DICE: on a score of 1-5 their advances are rejected, on a score of 6 their love is requited.
If the tryst is accepted the lovers are assumed to have had many such encounters and the Family of the female Family Member may check for childbirth as if she were married to her lover (and the usual age/sex requirements). A child born out of such a union is known as a Bastard, unless the mother is married in which case her Family may choose to include the child as if it were legitimate. A Bastard is forever branded with a "!" after their name. In any case, the child stays with the mother's Family.
It is Against the Law for any Family to have members participate in such an affair out of wedlock.

Passed 10-1. Enacted by Cayvie, 7th of December. +10 to smith, +5 to Cayvie
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