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Saturday, December 11, 2004

Proposal: Clear Trivializing [Trivial]

In Rule 5 - Voting, change

FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial. (If most of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.)


FOR votes may be marked as 'Trivial' if the voter thinks that the Proposal should have been marked Trivial or if the Proposal stipulates different conditions for Trivial enactment. If at least half of a Proposal's FOR votes are marked 'Trivial', the Proposal becomes Trivial.

I think it's reasonably safe to say that if the FOR votes are tied Trivial/Non-Trivial, it's safer and more stable to err on the side of caution. If you don't believe me, check out Cayvie's tirade through the now-blood-stained streets, made possible by a tied Trivial/Non-Trivial vote, unclear wording in this Rule, and Viewers Like You. ;)

Veto Vetoed. Failed by Knightking.