Proposal: Moving on revision 1
The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal for as long as both parties remain unmarried to each otherat which point any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the ceremony by posting a comment to that effect; after that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer.
The Family of the Member being proposed to may accept or reject the proposal, as long as both parties remain unmarried to each other. If the proposal is accepted, any Family who has a living Priest as a Member may perform the Marriage ceremony by posting a comment to that effect. After that is done, the two Family Members become one another's Spouses, and are both moved to the Family of the proposer. If the proposal is rejected, the proposal fails immediately and no Mmarriage takes place. Once a proposal is either accepted or rejected, it may not be either accepted or rejected later.
The stuff after the semi-colon before was bad.

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