Proposal: Professions
Rename rule 19 - Clergy to 19 – Professions, and rewrite it, so it reads:
Edited for spelling
9-3. Reached Quorum. Enacted by Chronos
By paying adequate fee a Family may send one of its live Members to a School and get them taught a Profession, provided that the chosen Member fulfills all requirements for entrance on the specific School.
Each Profession shall be marked by the addition of a signal to the name of the Professional.
No School, nor the requirements for entrance in a School, nor the signals that mark the Professions shall be listed in a rule other than this one.
Currently, the Schools and their characteristics are:
The Seminary
Family Members taught at The Seminary join the ranks of the clergy. That Member becomes a Priest, which is indicated by a "+" at the end of their name. The entrance fee on The Seminary is 20 Thalers and the only requirement is that the candidate must be unmarried. It's Against the Law for a Priest to be married.
The Merchant Guild
Family Members taught at The Merchant Guild achieve the position of Merchant, which is indicated by a "$" at the end of their name. The entrance fee on The Merchant Guild is 20 Thalers and the only requirement is that the candidate's age must be greater than 10 and lower than 60.
Edited for spelling

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