Proposal: Economy
Itβs not as large as it seems...
To rule 11 β Family, add:
In rule 13 β Marriage, change:
In rule 20 β Outcasts, change:
In that same rule, change:
Create a rule named Economy:
In the GNDT, rename the Outcast Family to Common House.In the GNDT, rename the Outcast Family to Common House.
Vetoed. Failed by Knightking, 12th of December.
To rule 11 β Family, add:
There exists a Family in the GNDT called Common House with a surname of Outcasts. The amount of Thalers had by the Common House is known as the Village Treasure and may only be spent if a rule explicitly allows another Family to do so.
In rule 13 β Marriage, change:
a normal dowry, this will be given to the outcast family
a normal dowry, that will be given to the Common House Family
In rule 20 β Outcasts, change:
There exists a Family in the GNDT called Outcasts with a surname of Outcasts. When this family is created it will initially have no Family Members. If a family wants to get rid of a family member for any reason without waiting until they die they may Outcast said family member.
A Family may Outcast a Family Member by moving said Member to the Common House Family. Any Family Member listed at the Common House is an Outcast.
In that same rule, change:
and when the outcasted Family Member is added to the Outcast family
and when the outcasted Family Member is added to the Common House Family
Create a rule named Economy:
The work of our villagers creates and moves wealth around. Once each day, if no other Family has enforced that action earlier in the same day, any Family may enforce an action listed in this rule, provided they fulfill the requirements set at those actions. Once after enforcing an action listed in this rule, a Family may claim a reward of 2 Thalers.
The Family enforcing this action must have a live Priest between their Members. When enforcing Tithing, the acting Family must reduce the amount of Thalers had by each Family by 1 hundredth per Family Member on that Family, rounded up for the next integer number. Upon doing that, the total amount so taken shall be divided equally, rounded down to the next integer number, between all Families that have at least one live Priest between their Members and credited to those Families. Any amount of Thalers left over after that division, due to rounding, shall be credited to the Common House Family.
Foreign Commerce
The Family enforcing this action must have a live Merchant between their Members. When enforcing Foreign Commerce, the acting Family shall calculate an amount of Thalers equal to 3 times the number of live Merchants in the Village. The amount so calculated shall be divided equally, rounded down to the next integer number, between all Families and credited to those Families. Any amount of Thalers left over after that division, due to rounding, shall be credited to the Common House Family.
Child Doctoring
The Family enforcing this action must have a live Doctor between their Members. When enforcing Child Doctoring, the acting Family must reduce the amount of Thalers had by each Family by 2 for each Family Member that Family has with an Age less than 20. Upon doing that, the total amount so taken shall be divided equally, rounded down to the next integer number, between all Families that have at least one live Doctor between their Members and credited to those Families. Any amount of Thalers left over after that division, due to rounding, shall be credited to the Common House Family.
In the GNDT, rename the Outcast Family to Common House.In the GNDT, rename the Outcast Family to Common House.

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