Proposal: Kevanesque [trivial]
Add four new Spells:
Edited on 1/26/04 at 1:26 am GMT.
Failed by Kevan, 28th Jan - timed out, 1 vote to 2. -5 to Brendan, +1 to Kevan.
Benevolence of the Manatee
x Water
The x in the cost of Benevolence of the Manatee is the number of other Sorcerers in the casting Sorcerer's School. A Sorcerer must have Balance greater than 4 to cast Benevolence of the Manatee. Benevolence of the Manatee has no effect on Sorcerers with a Benevolence Effect. On casting Benevolence of the Manatee, the casting Sorcerer gains 1 Balance.
Each other Sorcerer in the casting Sorcerer's School gains a "Benevolence" Effect, tracked in the GNDT. When a Sorcerer with a Benevolence Effect gains energy as part of his or her School's attunement, he or she may choose to destroy his or her Benevolence Effect to gain 1 Energy of any type.
Courage of the Mongoose
x Fire
The x in the cost of Courage of the Mongoose is the number of other Sorcerers in the casting Sorcerer's School. A Sorcerer must have Balance greater than 4 to cast Courage of the Mongoose. Courage of the Mongoose has no effect on its caster, or on any Sorcerer who already has a Courage effect, except that the Caster gains 1 Balance.
Courage of the Mongoose gives each other member of the caster's School the effect "Courage (timestamp)," where timestamp is the time of casting in the format hh:mm {am, pm} GMT. While a Sorcerer has a Courage effect, if he or she has his or her Power reduced by another Sorcerer's Spell, he or she may attempt to ignore it by rolling DICE-5. If the result is 1, that Sorcerer gains back all Power lost to the ignored Spell.
If the timestamp on a Courage effect is older than 12 hours, any Sorcerer may destroy that Courage effect. Once a Courage effect is destroyed, a Sorcerer may no longer attempt to ignore Spells cast during its duration.
Cunning of the Armadillo
3 Air
A Sorcerer must have a Balance with an absolute value <= 3 to cast Cunning of the Armadillo. On casting, choose Sorcerer A and Sorcerer B, neither of whom may be the casting Sorcerer. Both chosen Sorcerers must have at least one non-Unique Gewgaw. Cunning of the Armadillo is not considered to affect either of these Sorcerers.
Choose one non-Unique Gewgaw held by Sorcerer A; Sorcerer A loses that Gewgaw, and Sorcerer B gains it. Choose one non-Unique Gewgaw held by Sorcerer B; Sorcerer B loses that Gewgaw, and Sorcerer A gains it.
Ring of Elephants
3 Earth
A Sorcerer must have a Balance greater than 4 to cast Ring of Elephants. Ring of Elephants gives another Sorcerer, who may not be the Caster, the effect "Ring of Elephants (4)," where the parenthetical is the number of Charges on Ring of Elephants. The caster of Ring of Elephants gains 1 Balance.
Spells that would damage a Sorcerer with a Ring of Elephants do not affect that Sorcerer, but remove one Charge from Ring of Elephants. Other Spells that would affect a Sorcerer who has a Ring of Elephants do nothing.
If a Sorcerer who has a Ring of Elephants effect casts a Spell or Crafts a Gewgaw, his or her Ring of Elephants is destroyed. If a Ring of Elephants ever has 0 or fewer Charges, any Sorcerer may destroy that Ring of Elephants effect.
Edited on 1/26/04 at 1:26 am GMT.

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