Proposal: I hate reproposing
Add a new GNDT command, "COLOUR", which produces one of 10 colours: White (W), Red (R), Green (G), Blue (Bl), Yellow (Y), Puce (Pc), Magenta (M), Orange (O), Purple (Pp) or Black (Bk).
Amend the instructions for Generate Work to read:
Add the following:
Additional colours to make certain outcomes more likely, and to give flexibility for future rules.
Hopefully, this should add some incentive to generating work.
Enacted by Josh
Amend the instructions for Generate Work to read:
This costs 10 Dignity. Teamsperson must make two comments of Paper:COLOUR to the GNDT. This allows them to create a new Paper of that colour combination in their own Inbox. (The District Manager may perform this action for free, if there are fewer than ten Papers in circulation.) The colour of each paper is tracked with the paper in the GNDT, using the letter designations provided.
Add the following:
The effects of each paper vary depending on the fruit pattern on the stationary:
* Yellow or Magenta: Paper needs to be refered up. May be Delegated to a Teamsperson with higher Dignity.
* Purple or Orange: Humiliating but urgent. Costs 20 Dignity to process under Actually Do Some Work, but may only be delegated twice (number of transfers is tracked in parentheses with the Paper in the GNDT). If it still has not been processed under Actually Do Some Work after 5 days, the holder looses 50 Dignity.
* Red: Open-ended. Automatically Generates more Papers when Delegated. The Delegating Teamsperson may Generate more work for Delegatee; Papers generated in this manner cost the Delegatee Dignity to produce, rather than the Delegator.
* Blue: High-Profile. Each time a Teamsperson Claims Credit on this Paper, the Dignity reward for Claiming Credit upon it goes up by 5. This rolling reward is tracked in square brackets with the Paper in the GNDT.
* Puce: Multi-facetted. Any Paper with Puce as one of its multiple colours may be (but does not have to be) split into a number of papers equal to the number of colours the original paper has, each carrying one of the original paper's colours. A Paper with just Puce as its colour may be combined with any existing Paper in the Teamsperson's Inbox, adding Puce to its colour combination. Any Paper with only one colour may be added to any paper in the same Teamsperson's Inbox that has Puce as one of it's colours.
* White or Black: Routine and daily. Costs no Dignity to process under Actually Do Some Work, but gains no Dignity under Claim Credit.
* Green: No effect.
Additional colours to make certain outcomes more likely, and to give flexibility for future rules.
Hopefully, this should add some incentive to generating work.

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