Proposal : Personal Objectives
Add a new field to the GNDT: "Personal Objective"
Create a new rule: Personal Objectives
es. "hold X papers of the same type in outbox" or "Generate X work in 10-X days", or "have X dignity for X/10 days"
-"I can do it in a week!"
-"Ha! I'll do it in one days less!"
-"You inefficient ones, i can do it in three days, and i'll show you!"
Failed by Josh
Create a new rule: Personal Objectives
Any teamsperson may post a memo, beginning with the word "Objective" in bold, describing his or her personal work objective.
Such objective must contain an archievement expressed using the numeric variable X and any arithmetic expression containing it.
es. "hold X papers of the same type in outbox" or "Generate X work in 10-X days", or "have X dignity for X/10 days"
Any Teamsperson, who does not already have an entry in his Personal Objective field in the GNDT, may bid for the objective by specifying a numeric value for the X in a comment to that memo.
After 72 hours, or as soon as there is no tie for the highest bid, whichever comes last, the X and any arithmetic expression in which it appears are resolved using as a value for the X the value from the highest bid.
The highest bidder then add the resulting text as his or her Personal Objective in the GNDT.
If at any time only one teamsperson has attained his or her Personal Objective, that Teamsperson wins this dynasty.
-"I can do it in a week!"
-"Ha! I'll do it in one days less!"
-"You inefficient ones, i can do it in three days, and i'll show you!"

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