Proposal : Clear Paper
[ Clarifying the display format, and making different-colours optional. ]
Add after the first sentence of Rule 11:-
Reword the effect of "Generate Work" to:-
Swap "Green" and "White" in the Paper colours, such that Green becomes "Routine and Daily" and White becomes "No effect."
Any documents created prior to the introduction of colour (eg. the one in Kevan's Inbox) shall be made White.
Enacted by Kevan, 4th of August: +12 to Kevan.
Add after the first sentence of Rule 11:-
A Paper is represented by a string of characters, being the first letters of all of its colours (so a Teamsperson with two Yellow Papers and one Blue-and-Puce would have an Inbox of "Y Y BP").
Reword the effect of "Generate Work" to:-
This costs 10 Dignity. The Teamsperson may post a GNDT comment containing up to two occurrences of the string "Paper:COLOUR", upon Generating Work, or simply opt to create a White Paper. A new Paper is then added to their Inbox with the resultant colours. (The District Manager may perform this action for free, if there are fewer than ten Papers in circulation.)
Swap "Green" and "White" in the Paper colours, such that Green becomes "Routine and Daily" and White becomes "No effect."
Any documents created prior to the introduction of colour (eg. the one in Kevan's Inbox) shall be made White.

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